At St John XXIII Catholic College our aim is to provide an exceptional education for students, pre to post, where learning has no boundaries!
Students develop their FOUNDATIONAL skills and tools, they foster these with a sense of CURIOSITY and take them into their PATHWAYS.
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Let your kids discover awesome! Educated in life, for life!
A connected community
We allow our community to flourish using skills of collaboration, creativity, communication and critical thinking entrenched in a Catholic world view, with authentic connections to the real world.
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Exceptional educators
St John XXIII educators use a range of tools to immerse themselves and their students in learning to ensure growth and progress. Our staff are highly qualified and many have contributed significantly to the national development of their respective curriculums. We strive for continuous professional development for all staff to enhance our learning environments and ensure that we are at the forefront of contemporary education.
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Skills for lifelong learning
Our learners use a range of tools to immerse themselves in learning experiences to ensure growth and progress. Students are offered extensive opportunities for spiritual and personal development. Skills critical to future professional engagement is at the core of every learning experience. Learning is an active, interactive and lifelong and process.
Some programs supporting learning include the EAGLE Project (High Achievers), Accelerated Learning Program, EMU (Extended Mathematical Understanding), Reading Recovery, Project Based Learning and Self Directed Learning Projects.
Curriculum Learning Pathways
A purpose built learning environment
At St John XXIII Catholic College creativity, collaboration and excellence are nurtured in contemporary and purpose built learning and recreational spaces.
Students learn differently at each stage of their lives and this has been considered in our planning and design. Our flexible learning spaces support tailored delivery of learning for the individual student and collaborative groups. The same classroom can be used in many different ways which enhances personalised learning.
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Student Wellbeing
Students are given opportunities to thrive in a friendly and inclusive learning community that understands that wellbeing is the foundation to success across the curriculum and beyond.
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Catholic Early Learning Centre
Catering for 3-5 year olds, our Early Learning Centre (CELC) is a purpose built, state of the art facility operating during school terms only.
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Before and After School Care
Do you need your child minded after 3:00pm but you are working?
Do you need to get to work and have to drop off your child before school starts at 8.00am?
Fear not... help is at hand!
Our Catholic Out of School Hours Care (COSHC) offers before and after school care during school terms. A school holiday program is also in place. Bookings are essential!
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Prayer, Liturgical Life and Faith Experiences
Students are connected in their faith journey. As a Catholic learning community we are first and foremost here to offer families a quality and accessible faith-based education. We have a strong connection with Saint John XXIII Parish and Gospel values underpin every part of every day at Stanhope. Students learn what it is to be welcoming, just and socially aware. Christ is visible in all areas of learning and teaching, ensuring students are given the opportunity to be the very best they can be and are well placed to contribute to society in a meaningful way.
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Students that make a difference to the world
Social justice is an integral part of College life which allows students to live their faith in a practical way and be aware of global social justice issues. Students are engaged in supporting causes such as:
- Vinnies Van Volunteers
- World Youth Days
- Caritas
- Soctober
- St Vincent de Paul Christmas Hampers
- Australian Catholic Youth Festivals
- Nursing Home Visits
- Project Compassion
- College Youth Group
- Faith in Action Team
- Christian Doctrine in local State Primary Schools
Enriching students beyond the classroom
St John XXIII Catholic College students are provided with a diverse range of activities that support them in realising their potential. These include academic, creative arts, extra-curricular and sporting activities supported by committed educators who seek opportunities to extend students' abilities and challenge students to achieve personal excellence in all endeavours.
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Parents as partners in learning
St John XXIII Catholic College parents are partners in their child's educational experience. Parents are encouraged to take an active role in College life including P&F, parent forums, parent helper programs, information evenings, student led conferences, liturgies and social events. It is great learning for children to see the difference volunteering can make!
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We’d love a chance to show you how learning works for young people from Early Learning through to Year 12.
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We would love a chance to show you just how bright the future can be!